K&D and Moseley Staking Tool Manuals with Compatibility Chart – Downloads

You will probably discover the difficulty in finding staking tool manuals. If you look at the cost of the 1910 K&D book – Staking Tools and How to Use Them, you know people ask a ridiculously high price for this out-of-date book. I believe it’s still the best book available. You won’t sell coverage the the tools and the punches numbers and sizes elsewhere.

I have created a Cross-Over Chart. You can take any K&D number and see it’s corresponding equivalent in Marshall, Boley, Bergeon, Star and so forth. You can download it here.

Cross-Over-Guide Download

Some of us are just getting started so I have provided free downloads of two manuals found on the Internet after weeks of searching. You may download them by clicking on the link.

Good luck to you!

If you want to take a look at what’s available on eBay, here’s another link you will like.