
This category exists for watchmakers and hobbyists

Kendrick and Davis Patent for New Design Staking Tool

Publication number US707887 A Publication type Grant Publication date Aug 26, 1902 Filing date May 10, 1902 Priority date May 10, 1902 Inventors Lester J Williams Original Assignee Firm Of Kendrick & Davis, Frank B Kendrick,William F Davis Classifications (1) The patent office placed the entire filing in a pdf file. It’s available for download. US707.887

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Kendrick and Davis K&D Watch Roller Remover Patent

Publication number US798000 A Publication type Grant Publication date Aug 22, 1905 Filing date Mar 17, 1905 Priority date Mar 17, 1905 Inventors Lester J Williams Original Assignee Kendrick And Davis Classifications (1) DESCRIPTION  (OCR text may contain errors) No- 798,000. PATENTED AUG. 22, 1905. L. J. WILLIAMS.WATCH ROLLER REMOVER.APPLICATION FILED MAR. 17, 1905.UNTTED STATES PATENT OFFICELESTER

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The Kendrick and Davis Inverto Patent

Publication number US992206 A Publication type Grant Publication date May 16, 1911 Filing date Apr 2, 1908 Priority date Apr 2, 1908 Inventors Frank B Kendrick Original Assignee Kendrick & Davis Company Classifications (1) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet DESCRIPTION  (OCR text may contain errors) P.’B. KENDRIOK. STAKING TOOL. Application FILED 23.2, 190s. 992,206. Patented May 16, 1911. ref-

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